
2.3 (2025-XX-XX)

Major Changes

  • The default version of the array API standard is now 2024.12. Previous versions can still be enabled via the flags API.

    Note that this support is still relatively untested. Please report any issues you find.

  • Binary elementwise functions now accept python scalars: the only requirement is that at least one of the arguments must be an array; the other argument may be either a python scalar or an array. Python scalars are handled in accordance with the type promotion rules, as specified by the standard. This change unifies the behavior of binary functions and their matching operators, (where available), such as multiply(x1, x2) and __mul__(self, other).

    where accepts arrays or scalars as its 2nd and 3rd arguments, x1 and x2. The first argument, condition, must be an array.

    result_type accepts arrays and scalars and computes the result dtype according to the promotion rules.

  • Ergonomics of working with complex values has been improved:

    • binary operators accept complex scalars and real arrays and preserve the floating point precision: 1j*f32_array returns a complex64 array

    • mean accepts complex floating-point arrays.

    • real and conj accept numeric arguments, including real floating point data. Note that imag still requires its input to be a complex array.

  • The following functions, new in the 2024.12 standard revision, are implemented:

    • count_nonzero

    • cumulative_prod

  • fftfreq and rfftfreq functions accept a new dtype argument to control the the data type of their output.

Minor Changes

  • vecdot now conjugates the first argument, in accordance with the standard.

  • astype now raises a TypeError instead of casting a complex floating-point array to a real-valued or an integral data type.

  • where requires that its first argument, condition has a boolean data dtype, and raises a TypeError otherwise.

  • isdtype raises a TypeError is its argument is not a dtype object.

  • arrays created with from_dlpack now correctly set their device attribute.

  • the build system now uses pyproject.toml, not


The following users contributed to this release:

Aaron Meurer Clément Robert Guido Imperiale Evgeni Burovski Lucas Colley Tim Head

2.2 (2024-11-11)

Major Changes

  • Preliminary support for the draft 2024.12 version of the standard is now implemented. This is disabled by default, but can be enabled with the flags API, e.g., by calling set_array_api_strict_flags(api_version='2024.12') or setting ARRAY_API_STRICT_API_VERSION=2024.12.

    Note that this support is still preliminary and still relatively untested. Please report any issues you find.

    The following functions are implemented for 2024:

    • diff

    • nextafter

    • reciprocal

    • take_along_axis

    • The 'max dimensions' key of __array_namespace_info__().capabilities().

    Some planned changes to the 2024.12 standard, including scalar support for array functions, is not yet implemented but will be in a future version.

Minor Changes

  • __array_namespace_info__() now returns a class instead of a module. This prevents extraneous names that aren’t part of the standard from appearing on it.

2.1.3 (2024-11-08)

Major Changes

  • Revert the change to require NumPy >= 2.1 and Python >= 3.10 from array-api-strict 2.1.2. array-api-strict now requires NumPy >= 1.21 and Python >= 3.9, as before. These changes were made to improve the maintenance of array-api-strict, but they caused some issues in upstream packages that cannot yet support NumPy 2.0, so this will be postponed to a later date.

  • Revert the removal of __array__ from array-api-strict 2.1.1. This caused some difficulties for upstream libraries, so it will be postponed to a later date. This is still planned because __array__ is not part of the array API standard. See for more discussion about this.

2.1.2 (2024-11-07)

Major Changes

  • array-api-strict now requires NumPy >= 2.1 and Python >= 3.10

2.1.1 (2024-11-07)

Major Changes

  • Remove the __array__ method from array-api-strict arrays. This means they will no longer be implicitly converted to NumPy arrays when passed to np functions. This method was previously implemented as a convenience, but it isn’t part of the array API standard. To portably convert an array API strict array to a NumPy array, use np.from_dlpack(x)

Minor Changes

  • Use a more robust implementation of clip() that handles corner cases better.

  • Fix the definition of sign() for complex numbers when using NumPy 1.x.

  • Correctly use the array’s device when promoting scalars. (Thanks to @betatim)

  • Correctly propagate the input array’s device in asarray(). (Thanks to @betatim)

2.1 (2024-10-18)

Major Changes

  • The default version of the array API standard is now 2023.12. 2022.12 can still be enabled via the flags API.

  • Added support for multiple fake “devices”, so that code testing against array-api-strict can check for proper device support. Currently there are three “devices”, the “CPU” device, which is the default devices, and two pseudo “device” objects. This set of devices can be accessed with array_api_strict.__array_namespace_info__().devices() (requires the array API version to be set to 2023.12), and via the other array API APIs that return devices (like x.device). These devices do not correspond to any actual hardware and only exist for testing array API device semantics; for instance, implicitly combining arrays on different devices results in an exception. (Thanks to @betatim).

Minor Changes

  • Avoid implicitly relying on __array__ in some places. These changes should not be usef visible.

2.0.1 (2024-07-01)

Minor Changes

  • Re-allow iteration on 1-D arrays. A change from 2.0 fixed iter() raising on n-D arrays but also made 1-D arrays raise. The standard does not explicitly disallow iteration on 1-D arrays, and the default Python __iter__ implementation allows it to work, so for now, it is kept intact as working.

2.0 (2024-06-27)

Major Changes

  • array-api-strict has a new set of flags that can be used to dynamically enable or disable features in array-api-strict. These flags allow you to change the supported array API version, enable or disable extensions, enable or disable features that rely on data-dependent shapes, and enable or disable boolean indexing. Future versions may add additional flags to allow changing other optional or varying behaviors in the standard.

  • Added experimental support for the 2023.12 version of the array API standard. The default version is still 2022.12, but the version can be changed to 2023.12 using the aforementioned flags, either by calling array_api_strict.set_array_api_strict_flags(api_version='2023.12') or setting the environment variable ARRAY_API_STRICT_API_VERSION=2023.12. A future version of array-api-strict will change the default version to 2023.12.

Minor Changes

  • Calling iter() on an array now correctly raises TypeError.

  • Add some missing names to __all__.

1.1.1 (2024-04-29)

  • Fix the api_version argument to __array_namespace__ to accept '2021.12' or '2022.12'.

1.1 (2024-04-08)

  • Fix the copy flag in __array__ for NumPy 2.0.

  • Add full copy=False support to asarray(). This is emulated in NumPy 1.26 by creating the array and seeing if it is copied. For NumPy 2.0, the new native copy=False flag is used.

  • Add broadcasting support to cross.

1.0 (2024-01-24)

This is the first release of array_api_strict. It is extracted from numpy.array_api, which was included as an experimental submodule in NumPy versions prior to 2.0. Note that the commit history in this repository is extracted from the git history of numpy/array_api/ (see Relationship to numpy.array_api).

Additionally, the following changes are new to array_api_strict from numpy.array_api in NumPy 1.26 (the last NumPy feature release to include numpy.array_api):

  • array_api_strict was made more portable. In particular:

    • array_api_strict no longer uses "cpu" as its “device”, but rather a separate CPU_DEVICE object (which is not accessible in the namespace). This is because “cpu” is not part of the array API standard.

    • array_api_strict now uses separate wrapped objects for dtypes. Previously it reused the numpy dtype objects. This makes it clear which behaviors on dtypes are part of the array API standard (effectively, the standard only requires == on dtype objects).

  • numpy.array_api.nonzero now errors on zero-dimensional arrays, as required by the array API standard.

  • Support for the optional fft extension was added.