
This is a library housing “array-agnostic” implementations of functions built on top of the Python array API standard, as well as delegation to existing implementations for known array library backends.

The intended users of this library are “array-consuming” libraries which are using array-api-compat to make their own library’s functions array-agnostic. In this library, they will find a set of tools which provide extra functionality on top of the array API standard, which other array-consuming libraries in a similar position have found useful themselves.

It is currently used by:

  • SciPy — Fundamental algorithms for scientific computing.

  • scikit-learn — Machine Learning in Python.

  • your library? Let us know!


array-api-extra is available on PyPI:

uv add array-api-extra
# or
python -m pip install array-api-extra

And on conda-forge:

pixi add array-api-extra
# or
mamba install array-api-extra


This library currently provides no backwards-compatibility guarantees! If you require stability, it is recommended to pin array-api-extra to a specific version, or vendor the library inside your own.


This library depends on array-api-compat. We aim for compatibility with the latest released version of array-api-compat, and your mileage may vary with older or dev versions.


To vendor the library, clone the array-api-extra repository and copy it into the appropriate place in your library, like:

cp -a array-api-extra/src/array_api_extra mylib/vendored/

You may either add a dependency to array-api-compat in your own project, or vendor it too:

  1. Clone the array-api-compat repository and copy it next to your vendored array-api-extra:

    cp -a array-api-compat/array_api_compat mylib/vendored/
  2. Create a new hook file which array-api-extra will use instead of the top-level array-api-compat if present:

    echo 'from mylib.vendored.array_api_compat import *' > mylib/vendored/

This also allows overriding array-api-compat functions if you so wish. E.g. your mylib/vendored/ could look like this:

from mylib.vendored.array_api_compat import *
from mylib.vendored.array_api_compat import array_namespace as _array_namespace_orig

def array_namespace(*xs, **kwargs):
    import mylib

    if any(isinstance(x, mylib.MyArray) for x in xs):
        return mylib
        return _array_namespace_orig(*xs, **kwargs)


This project uses EffVer. TL;DR:

  • To bump from version x.y.z to x.(y+1).0 of array-api-extra, expect that you may need to put in some work.

  • To bump from version x.y.z to x.y.(z+1), any work needed on your side should be minimal. Please open an issue if this is not the case!


Typical usage of this library looks like:

import array_api_extra as xpx

xp = array_namespace(x)
y = xp.sum(x)  # use functions from `xp` as normal
return xpx.atleast_nd(y, ndim=2, xp=xp)  # use functions from `xpx`, passing `xp=xp`


Functions in this library assume input arrays are arrays (not “array-likes”) and that the namespace passed as xp (if given) is compatible with the standard - this means that it should come from array-api-compat’s array_namespace, or otherwise be compatible with the standard.

Calling functions without providing an xp argument means that array_namespace is called internally to determine the namespace.

In the examples shown in the docstrings of functions from this library, array-api-strict is used as the array namespace xp. In reality, code using this library will be written to work with any compatible array namespace as xp, not any particular implementation.

Some functions may only work with specific array libraries supported by array-api-compat. This should be clearly indicated in the docs - please open an issue if this is not the case!


Functions that are in-scope for this library will:

  • Implement functionality which does not already exist in the array API standard.

  • Implement functionality which may be generally useful across various libraries.

  • Be implemented with type annotations and numpydoc-style docstrings.

  • Be tested against array-api-strict and various existing backends.

Functions are implemented purely in terms of the array API standard where possible. Where functions must use library-specific helpers for libraries supported by array-api-compat, this will be clearly marked in their API reference page.

Delegation is added for some functions to use native implementations for the given array type, instead of the array-agnostic implementations, as this may increase performance.

In particular, the following kinds of function are also in-scope:

  • Functions which implement array API standard extension functions in terms of functions from the base standard.

  • Functions which add functionality (e.g. extra parameters) to functions from the standard.

The following features are currently out-of-scope for this library:

  • Functions which accept “array-like” input, or standard-incompatible namespaces.

    • It is possible to prepare input arrays and a standard-compatible namespace via array-api-compat downstream in consumer libraries. The xp argument can also be omitted to infer the standard-compatible namespace using array_namespace internally.

  • Functions which are specific to a particular domain.

    • These functions may belong better in an array-consuming library which is specific to that domain.