
astype(x: array, dtype: dtype, /, *, copy: bool = True) array

Copies an array to a specified data type irrespective of Type Promotion Rules rules.


Casting floating-point NaN and infinity values to integral data types is not specified and is implementation-dependent.


When casting a boolean input array to a numeric data type, a value of True must cast to a numeric value equal to 1, and a value of False must cast to a numeric value equal to 0.

When casting a numeric input array to bool, a value of 0 must cast to False, and a non-zero value must cast to True.

  • x (array) – array to cast.

  • dtype (dtype) – desired data type.

  • copy (bool) – specifies whether to copy an array when the specified dtype matches the data type of the input array x. If True, a newly allocated array must always be returned. If False and the specified dtype matches the data type of the input array, the input array must be returned; otherwise, a newly allocated must be returned. Default: True.


out (array) – an array having the specified data type. The returned array must have the same shape as x.