
isdtype(dtype: dtype, kind: dtype | str | Tuple[dtype | str, ...]) bool

Returns a boolean indicating whether a provided dtype is of a specified data type “kind”.

  • dtype (dtype) – the input dtype.

  • kind (Union[str, dtype, Tuple[Union[str, dtype], ...]]) –

    data type kind.

    • If kind is a dtype, the function must return a boolean indicating whether the input dtype is equal to the dtype specified by kind.

    • If kind is a string, the function must return a boolean indicating whether the input dtype is of a specified data type kind. The following dtype kinds must be supported:

      • 'bool': boolean data types (e.g., bool).

      • 'signed integer': signed integer data types (e.g., int8, int16, int32, int64).

      • 'unsigned integer': unsigned integer data types (e.g., uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64).

      • 'integral': integer data types. Shorthand for ('signed integer', 'unsigned integer').

      • 'real floating': real-valued floating-point data types (e.g., float32, float64).

      • 'complex floating': complex floating-point data types (e.g., complex64, complex128).

      • 'numeric': numeric data types. Shorthand for ('integral', 'real floating', 'complex floating').

    • If kind is a tuple, the tuple specifies a union of dtypes and/or kinds, and the function must return a boolean indicating whether the input dtype is either equal to a specified dtype or belongs to at least one specified data type kind.


    A conforming implementation of the array API standard is not limited to only including the dtypes described in this specification in the required data type kinds. For example, implementations supporting float16 and bfloat16 can include float16 and bfloat16 in the real floating data type kind. Similarly, implementations supporting int128 can include int128 in the signed integer data type kind.

    In short, conforming implementations may extend data type kinds; however, data type kinds must remain consistent (e.g., only integer dtypes may belong to integer data type kinds and only floating-point dtypes may belong to floating-point data type kinds), and extensions must be clearly documented as such in library documentation.


out (bool) – boolean indicating whether a provided dtype is of a specified data type kind.


New in version 2022.12.