
take(x: array, indices: array, /, *, axis: int | None = None) array

Returns elements of an array along an axis.


Conceptually, take(x, indices, axis=3) is equivalent to x[:,:,:,indices,...]; however, explicit indexing via arrays of indices is not currently supported in this specification due to concerns regarding __setitem__ and array mutation semantics.

  • x (array) – input array.

  • indices (array) –

    array indices. The array must be one-dimensional and have an integer data type.


    This specification does not require bounds checking. The behavior for out-of-bounds indices is left unspecified.

  • axis (Optional[int]) –

    axis over which to select values. If axis is negative, the function must determine the axis along which to select values by counting from the last dimension.

    If x is a one-dimensional array, providing an axis is optional; however, if x has more than one dimension, providing an axis is required.


out (array) – an array having the same data type as x. The output array must have the same rank (i.e., number of dimensions) as x and must have the same shape as x, except for the axis specified by axis whose size must equal the number of elements in indices.


New in version 2022.12.

Changed in version 2023.12: Out-of-bounds behavior is explicitly left unspecified.