
tile(x: array, repetitions: Tuple[int, ...], /) array

Constructs an array by tiling an input array.

  • x (array) – input array.

  • repetitions (Tuple[int, ...]) –

    number of repetitions along each axis (dimension).

    Let N = len(x.shape) and M = len(repetitions).

    If N > M, the function must prepend ones until all axes (dimensions) are specified (e.g., if x has shape (8,6,4,2) and repetitions is the tuple (3,3), then repetitions must be treated as (1,1,3,3)).

    If N < M, the function must prepend singleton axes (dimensions) to x until x has as many axes (dimensions) as repetitions specifies (e.g., if x has shape (4,2) and repetitions is the tuple (3,3,3,3), then x must be treated as if it has shape (1,1,4,2)).


out (array) – a tiled output array. The returned array must have the same data type as x and must have a rank (i.e., number of dimensions) equal to max(N, M). If S is the shape of the tiled array after prepending singleton dimensions (if necessary) and r is the tuple of repetitions after prepending ones (if necessary), then the number of elements along each axis (dimension) must satisfy S[i]*r[i], where i refers to the i th axis (dimension).


New in version 2023.12.