Python builtin types and duck typing

Use of Python’s builtin types - bool, int, float, str, dict, list, tuple, datetime.datetime, etc. - is often natural and convenient. However, it is also potentially problematic when trying to write performant dataframe library code or supporting devices other than CPU.

This standard specifies the use of Python types in quite a few places, and uses them as type annotations. As a concrete example, consider the mean method, the bool | Scalar argument it takes, and the Scalar it is documented to return, in combination with the __gt__ method (i.e., the > operator) on the dataframe:

class DataFrame:
    def __gt__(self, other: DataFrame | Scalar) -> DataFrame:
    def col(self, name: str, /) -> Column:

class Column:
    def mean(self, skip_nulls: bool | Scalar = True) -> Scalar:

larger = df2 > df1.col('foo', skip_nulls = True).mean()

Let’s go through these arguments:

  • skip_nulls: bool | Scalar. This means we can either pass a Python bool, or a Scalar object backed by a boolean;

  • the return value of .mean() is a Scalar

  • the argument other of __gt__ is typed as AnyScalar, meaning that we can compare a DataFrame with a Python scalar (e.g. df > 3) or with a Scalar (e.g. df > df.col('a').mean())

  • the return value of __gt__ is a Scalar

Returning values as Scalar allows scalars to reside on different devices (e.g. GPU), or to stay lazy (if a library allows it).


For example, if a library implements FancyFloat and FancyBool scalars, then the following should all be supported:

df: DataFrame
column_1: Column = df.col('a')
column_2: Column = df.col('b')

scalar: FancyFloat = column_1.std()
result_1: Column = column_2 - column_1.std()
result_2: FancyBool = column_2.std() > column_1.std()

Note that the scalars above are library-specific ones - they may be used to keep data on GPU, or to keep data lazy.

The following, however, may raise, dependening on the implementation:

df: DataFrame
column = df.col('a')

if column.std() > 0:  # this line may raise!
    print('std is positive')

This is because if column.std() > 0 will call (column.std() > 0).__bool__(), which is required by Python to produce a Python scalar. Therefore, a purely lazy dataframe library may choose to raise here, whereas as one which allows for eager execution may return a Python bool.